Lincoln Park Engagement | Haley + Christian


I met Haley and Christian in Lincoln Park for their city engagement session and it was so much fun! It was a very warm day so it was a perfect day to explore the city together! We spent the first half of their session walking around the Nature Boardwalk at Lincoln Park Zoo then we ended looking over Lake Michigan.

Haley and Christian are so stinkin’ sweet! As we were taking all the photos and roaming the city, we were talking non-stop and it was filled with such laughter! Watching them smile at each other and give me all the giddy smiles it just warmed my heart. One of my favorite parts was when Christian started swinging Haley around under the honeycomb dome, two stepping and all! I LOVE country swing dancing so it was so much fun watching them twirl all around each other. Haley and Christian happen to be from my hometown in Kansas and Haley and I went to the same high school. What a small world!

This sweet couple will be getting married at Mission Theater next May and I’m already looking forward to their big day! Let all the fun and planning begin!



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