Top 5 Favorite Podcasts


Going on morning walks have become my FAVORITE thing to do to start my morning! I work from home and I used to end my days realizing I never left the house. Whoops! Choosing to go for a walk in the morning, not only gets my energy up, it also reminds me that a new day is here and it’s time to start the day. When you work from home and only see your husband, it’s easy to forgot that the world is still turning. Breathing in the fresh air, listen to a good podcast and have a minute before I jump into work is just the BEST!

My walks usually look different from day to day. Some days it’s talking to a friend on the phone, others it’s listening to a podcast or simply just walking while drinking my coffee or now a days, tea. Drinking something warm is ALWAYS a constant on my walks — the perfect cherry on top to my walks.

Today, I thought I would share my top 5 favorite podcasts I’m currently listening to! They all rotate between business topics, conversations about the enneagram or some positive goodness!

  1. The Lazy Genius
    • This podcast is a new one for me and I’ve loved it. She gives you small but very impactful tips on how to do everything the Lazy Genus way!
  2. Typology
    • Where are my enneagram fans? I have been walking through the Enneagram for the last 4 years and think it’s  FASCINATING! It’s all about the 9 different personality types and when you can learn more about others, it really helps you grow in that certain relationship!
  3. Brands that Book – The Podcast
    • This one is for my business side! Davey interviews other business owners and every time I listen, I walk away always learning something new. I’ve implemented so many of the things I’ve learned on this podcast!
  4. The Jasmine Star Show
    • Jasmine Star is such a firecracker! She brings ALL the knowledge about grow on social media, showing up in the world and being your true self! She is so empowering!
  5. The Brian Buffani Show
    • Brian is a real estate guru and is the king of positivity. He has tons of podcasts on mindset and positivity…always so refreshing to listen to. And he’s Irish so his accent is always fun to hear!

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