2020 in Review


The year of 2020 as a photographer has been filled with lots of ups and downs! From learning to pivot into what an intimate wedding looks like, to finding ways to have families still have that Christmas event to remember. It’s been a roller coaster but I’ve honestly loved it! This year has taught me to be flexible and let go of control! Hard but good lessons to learn!

I had 7 couples decide to push their weddings into 2021 and it was so hard knowing they had to make this hard decision about their wedding day. They all did it with such grace and patience too! I was able to celebrate 3 full weddings and 4 intimate weddings in 2020!

Weddings are my all time favorite side of my business but I had more family and senior session than I’ve had in years past. For this, I am so grateful! I would not be able to say that if it wasn’t for all my clients who trust me with such big moments in their world!

I was fortunate enough to have 63 families in front of my camera this year! WOW! I am blown away! I think this year has made everyone think more about their loved ones and wanting to make sure they have images of the ones they love in their home…where we have been spending all our time! 🙂

To all my clients in 2020, I am so grateful for YOU! For sticking with me through this years craziness. For walk through all the changes with such grace. I would not have had my best year in business if it wasn’t for YOU! Here’s to 2021, the love stories that will finally get to unfold and all that is to come!

Now, let’s take a walk down some of the GOOD that happened in 2020!!

Mr. & Mrs. Caldrone | March 14, 2020

The Guild | Kansas City, MO

Click here for their full blog post!

2020 KM Seniors 

It may have been a different graduation than they planned but THEY DID IT!

Mr. & Mrs. Chambers

May 30, 2020 | Milwaukee, WI

Click here for their full blog post!

Miss. Molly | One of my KM 2021 seniors

Click here for her full blog post!

The future Mr. & Mrs. Patterson | Chicago, IL

Click here for their full blog post!

Mr. & Mrs. Curro | September 26, 2020

The Legend at Bristlecone | Hartland, WI

Click here for their full blog post!

Hot Chocolate Mini Sessions | December 6, 2020

Fete of Wales | Wales, WI

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